Tag: keema

Keema Fettuccine

Like most every dish I grew up eating at home there was always a Pakistani influence. Even when we made traditional American food like burgers or pizza my mom would add her own spices to make it her taste and that’s pretty much what happened whenever we had pasta. If we wanted meat…

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Keema Biryani

Hello hello all my wonderful readers! How’s everyone doing? Good? Great? Wonderful? Oh, I do very much hope so! I’ve been doing well! Just spending each day at home cooking up a storm. Well, not a storm, but perhaps a gusty, blustery day. The kitchen is always intact when I’m done using it,…

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Keema (Spicy Pakistani Ground Beef)

Hey all! How’s it going? Good? Oh, that’s great! Okay, so today’s recipe is fairly straightforward and once it’s made you can eat as is or it can be put in loads of other dishes. Yes, today’s dish is Keema!! Keema is basically a Indian-spiced ground beef dish. Sounds goooood, huh? You’re right,…

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